Top 5 Foods To Avoid If You Struggle With Anxiety


Top 5 Foods To Avoid If You Struggle With Anxiety

If you are someone who struggles with anxiety and are wondering what you can do to help combat this annoying condition, then listen up.  Some foods in your diet could be adding to the anxiety you are feeling. Every one of us has to eat, multiple times a day, so starting with food is a wonderful first step to taking control of your anxious mind.

I have always been a firm believer that food affects the way you feel.  Back in the day I used to binge on a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Coffee Heath Bar Crunch, like it wasn’t a big deal.  Even though it tasted amazing I always felt the effects of it shortly after and even into the next day.  I’d experience low energy, sometimes feeling jittery with sugar overload, feeling flushed and hot, irritable.  Not too great.  

As I got older and now am in my thirties I notice more and more the effects sugar has on me.  And not just sugar but other white foods that are lacking in nutrients.  Each one of us is different and while some may favor a low protein, plant based diet and others more a paleo diet, or others high in whole grains, then I believe you when you say you feel best eating this or that.  We’re all made just a bit different and have different needs.

I do however, believe that each one of us can benefit from eliminating the following foods.  Especially if you are someone who struggles with stress and anxiety.

I have studied anxiety and stress for years and while different doctors favor slightly different diets I continue to get the same information on what foods to avoid.  And here they are:

Sugar (including FAKE sugar): I’m sorry, no one wants to hear this, but sugar is playing a pivotal role in our depressed moods and mounting anxiety.  Sugar messes with our blood sugar levels and causes them to spike and dip like a roller coaster which places unneeded stress on our bodies. Everyone is a bit different in how well they tolerate sugar but in the book “Sugar Shock,” by Connie Bennett it says “When sugar sensitive people eliminate sugar, they experience a lift in mood and feel more energy, less anxiety, and more optimism about the future.”  John W. Tintera and endocrinologist said, “It is quite possible to improve your disposition, increase your efficiency, and change your personality for the better, the way to do it is to avoid cane and beet sugar in all forms and guises.” He was preaching this back in the 1950’s! It’s up to you, I know that people are incredibly possessive about their sugary treats, however, if you’re really struggling it may just be worth giving up sugar to see how you feel.

Processed Foods: These are foods that are nutritionally void. These foods make up most of what is in our grocery stores. White flour products including, bread, pasta, crackers, cookies and white sugar. The whiter they are, the less nutritious.  That’s why when you are eating grains you want to eat whole grains and even sugar like natural cane sugar that is still brown in color has more nutrients that their white counterparts. Some nutritional authorities note that there is no coincidence between the fact that more and more people are eating processed carbs and more and more of us are plagued with anxiety and other mood disorders. Anxiety disorders can be triggered and exacerbated by various nutrient deficiencies.  Why are we all so nutrient deficient? Because the food we eat is.  It’s been processed so much that the nutrients have been stripped right out of them.  This leaves us will full bellies and empty stores of vitamins and minerals in our bodies.  Cut out processed foods and see the difference for yourself.  If you don’t know where to start check out my 4 Week Unprocessed Meal Plan.  It will save you a LOT of work!

Bad Fats: Trans fats and hydrogenated fats are highly processed and unrecognizable to the body. They show up in so many processed foods these days.  Not all vegetable oils are the same, olive, coconut and avocado oil are all very healthy but steer clear of canola, corn and soy oils which are also often genetically modified.  The verdict still may be out on genetically modified foods if they are safe or not, but until proven safe, I avoid them:)

Caffeine:  Low seratonin levels may be attributed to drinking too much caffeinated soda, diet soda, or coffee. When seratonin levels are low you tend to be grumpy, crabby and depressed. Seratonin is so important for those struggling with anxiety and depression.  You can increase your levels with supplements but first get rid of the caffeine. Coffee has also been link with low levels of B vitamins in the body which are important vitamins for the nervous system.  If you feel jittery, on edge and stressed, I highly recommend taking a B-Vitamin supplement.  Coffee consumption has been linked with anxiety and panic attacks.  It can alter your blood sugar causing you to feel sensitive, increased nervousness and fear. These are not good symptoms to increase if you are prone to anxiety!

High Allergen Foods: Common foods that cause sensitivities in rising numbers of the population are gluten and dairy and for some, all grains.  If you are sensitive to dairy or wheat it can cause excess inflammation in the body, including the brain and digestive tract and have a negative impact on your mood. I suggest testing it out for a month.  Go off either one, or both of these foods and see if you notice and improvement in your anxiety.  You may decide it’s worth it to go off some of these foods for a long amount of time.

If you’d like to learn more I highly recommend reading The Mood Cure by Julia Ross and The Anti-Anxiety Food Solution by Trudy Scott, if you or someone you know struggles with anxiety.  Anxiety is not something that you are destined to suffer with your entire life.  At times it may seem that way, but there are many many things you can do to enhance your health, reduce the amount of stress placed on your body and heal your mind.  More to come on this topic:)

Rooting for you on your healing jouney!



1 thought on “Top 5 Foods To Avoid If You Struggle With Anxiety”

  1. Arne Anderson M. Ad. Ed.

    I love your site.
    Serotonin is spelled this way.
    Wishing you the best.
    Arne. Anderson

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