Natural Anxiety Solutions For Women | from

Natural Anxiety Solutions For Women

Natural Anxiety Solutions For Women | from

Almost 10 years ago I was in the middle of a major health crisis that ended up lasting a few years.  I was sick, tired, depressed about my condition, extremely anxious, suffered with panic attacks and could barely leave the house at times.  It was awful!

I was a worn out mom of 2 young children at that time and I was struggling.  I went to the doctor looking for answers, unsure if I’d find any, and all I got from him was that I was tired, needed more sleep and was handed a prescription for some anti-anxiety medication.

This was so frustrating to me because I knew deep down that a pill wasn’t going to solve a thing.  I had already had a couple experiences with alternative medicine (homeopathy completely curing my lifelong eczema) that I knew there was a better way to heal my body.

I dove into every book I could find on the subject of stress, anxiety and depression and learned everything I could about my body and how to heal it.  Slowly, over the next few years, I began to heal as I implemented different practices.

First off I changed my diet.  I was a complete carb and sugar-aholic!  All I ate was bread and sugary treats. I went on a gluten free diet at the suggestion of a dear friend and I noticed some vitality start to come back.  I knew this was partly because I was forced to eat better foods.  Gluten is in a lot of junk foods (and there’s also plenty of gluten free junk foods as well) so I automatically had to find healthier alternatives and began eating more fruits and veggies.

Next I started taking some supplements that were recommended in a pivotal book for me, which is “The Ultramind Solution” by Dr. Mark Hyman.   I took magnesium (which works SO well) and a B-Complex, as well as a few other supplements.  All of them helped boost my mood and my energy.

I worked on many other things including my mindset and pushing through uncomfortable situations and reestablishing positive associations.  Multiple times I had a panic attack in the grocery store and so I began to really dread going there as anyone would!  But, as a mom it’s really hard to avoid the grocery store and honestly it’s not normal, so I made myself go back, again and again until I had reestablished a healthy association with it.

I worked with my friend who is a gifted energy healer to remove a lot of trapped emotions and beliefs that had been buried over the years and with each session more and more weight was lifted from me.

I started using things like essential oils to calm myself when I felt stressed.

I also have used different homeopathic remedies which have been extremely helpful in calming frazzled nerves and my tight racing heart.

As my vitality increased I was able to begin working out again.  Finally it didn’t deplete me but gave me more energy and burned of stress and helped me remain calm and patient with my family and helped me sleep better at night.

The point is basically this.  Different things will work to a different degree for each woman.  We are all individuals with different needs, strengths and weaknesses.  I’ve learned through the years that there is no one perfect supplement or strategy, you need to take a holistic approach to your health that encompasses nutrition, homeopathic remedies, exercise, a few supplements and energy healing if you’re open to that.

One thing I’m certain of is that each of us was designed to heal.

Our body’s natural state is wellness.  Your body wants to be whole and healthy.  It’s possible to feel normal again.

If you’re a mom who’s struggling like I was, please take heart and know that healing is possible, this is just a phase that you will pass through and it does get better:)

With Love,


P.S. If you’d like to talk more in depth with me personally I love getting e-mails from readers!  Contact me here>