5 Quick Ketogenic Breakfast Ideas

5 Quick Ketogenic Breakfast Ideas | www.hannahhepworth.com

5 Quick Ketogenic Breakfast Ideas

If you’re anything like the hundreds of thousands of other moms looking to try out a ketogenic diet you know that one of the biggest road blocks is what to eat!?!

Us moms are already busy with kids, the house, jobs, and just plain LIFE that the thought of spending more time in the kitchen makes you want to cry!  I’m no different.

I LOVE eating good healthy foods but I absolutely do NOT like spending too much time in the kitchen.  I’d rather be spending time with my kids, or reading a good book, spending time outside on the boat fishing and doing all kinds of fun things… and I bet you’re the same way:)

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

When you eat a protein rich breakfast you’re filling your body up, stabilizing your blood sugar, and providing necessary nutrients to keep up your energy all day long. When you eat a healthy breakfast it also sets the tone for the day and helps you make better choices all day long which is a win!

I wanted to share with you a few of my 5 Quick Ketogenic Breakfast Ideas that are perfect for moms who don’t have a lot of time in the morning.

I generally eat 2 eggs cooked in butter or coconut oil and some sautéed veggies in the morning.  I call it an egg scramble.  I like to use any leftover veggies in the fridge, including any greens like spinach or kale that I have on hand for green smoothies.

You want to be careful about eating the same thing every single day because you risk developing food allergies.

Remember, moderation in all things, even on a keto diet so let me share a few more ideas for what you can eat!

5 Quick Ketogenic Breakfast Ideas

1. Egg and veggie scramble cooked in pastured butter or coconut oil.

2. Full fat plain yogurt with any nuts, seeds and berries you have on hand

3. Cottage cheese with a couple slices of bacon and some smashed avocado

4. Green smoothie made with coconut milk, greens, berries and sweetened with stevia.

5. German Pancakes or  Low Carb Waffles topped with berry syrup (simmer frozen berries in a small saucepan with stevia to taste).

I’m still looking for the best ketogenic approved protein powder that is plant based, and I’ll be sure to let you know when I find it!  It’s SO nice to have a  low carb protein powder option for a quick meal and to add to different recipes so this is definitely on the top of my list of things to find!!

I’d love for you to schedule a complimentary 10 minute health coaching call! My passion is helping women heal their bodies from stress, anxiety and depression through nutrition, and many lifestyle adjustments.  If you are not already a client then you can take advantage of this one time FREE 15 minute consultation. Click below to reserve your chat!  I can’t wait to help you:)

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