7 Important Health Benefits Of Water

7 Important Benefits Of Water | https://www.hannahhepworth.com #wellness #naturalhealth #wholesimplelife

Drinking water is such an important and SIMPLE part of staying healthy.  Water is responsible for so many functions of the body. 60% of our body’s weight is made up of water.  Keeping a water bottle with you daily is a great way to make sure you stay properly hydrated.  Water helps support our body’s digestion, absorption of nutrients, circulation, body temperature and so much more.

Here are 7 ways water helps our bodies stay healthy:

  • Flush Toxins: Our body is made to flush toxins and junk out of our system.  We expel toxins daily from our bodies through our sweat and urine. Drinking water is one way to make sure that our fluids keep moving and carrying out the garbage.
  • Headaches: One trigger for headaches can often be not drinking enough water.  It’s so simple yet such an easy thing to overlook.
  • Keepin’ It Regular: Drinking enough water helps your digestion stay regular.  If you suffer from constipation, try drinking more water. There could be more to it than that but drinking extra water is a great place to start.
  • Healthy Joints: Each joint is surrounded by a cushion of tissue and water is an important part of keeping those cushions supple and lubricated to maintain healthy joints.
  • Weight Management: Sometimes our bodies can feel hungry even though it may just be that we are dehydrated.  Keep your water intake up and it may help you eat a little less.  Water is also calorie free and oh so good for you.
  • Energy: Drinking water helps keep our energy levels up.  Because our bodies are so dependent on water to function they become sluggish for so many reasons when we don’t have the water we need.
  • Skin Health: Our skin benefits from proper water intake as well because it is important for healthy skin elasticity and a clear complexion.  Who doesn’t want healthier skin?!

How Much Is Enough?

Each and every one of us is different but the general rule of thumb is to try and get at least 8 cups of water a day.  A good gauge is to look at the color of your urine.  It should be pale yellow to clear.  If it is bright/dark yellow then you need to drink more.  There are also a few other factors that figure in to needing more water.  If you live in a hot climate, are physically active, have a fever, are sick and vomiting or have diarrhea,  and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding then you should drink much more water.  Again monitor how thirsty you are, your energy levels and the color of your urine.

But Water Is Boring!

If you get sick of drinking plain water, spice it up by adding a slice of lemon or lime or a few fresh mint leaves directly to your water bottle and let them steep all day as you sip.  I’ve recently started adding mint leaves and I love the fresh, earthy flavor.

Find a cool water bottle and keep it with you all day long and before you know it you’ll have your 8 cups!

How many cups of water do you drink each day?  Do you notice any negative effects when you don’t drink enough?  Be sure to comment below!

Have a wonderful, healthy, HYDRATED, day,


2 thoughts on “7 Important Health Benefits Of Water”

  1. Pingback: 5 Ways To Kick Sugar Cravings - |Non Toxic Living|Anxiety Relief|Stress Relief|Hannah Hepworth|Kefir|Anxiety|Probiotic Foods|Heal Anxiety

  2. Hello Hannah! I really liked your post. Reading your post make me love water way more. Cheers to a healthy and hydrated life!

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