5 Ways To Kick Sugar Cravings

5 Ways To Kick Sugar Cravings | https://www.hannahhepworth.com Check out my 5 tips on how to cure your sugar cravings when they strike.  Don't give in.  You can do it! Join me for a year of no sugar.

When you make a goal to abstain from sugar for a whole year, you’re bound to hit a roadblock every now and then, especially at first when your body is craving sugar terribly!

I’ve had a lot of comments about how these beginning weeks have been a struggle and how it’s really hard to stay on the wagon with this whole, year with no sugar challenge. (Read about it by clicking on the link)

I personally have certain times of the day when I really want something sweet, generally after lunch and in the evening.  I’d love to offer a few ideas for what you can do when those sugar cravings strike.

And they will. 

  1. Drink Water: When you feel you’re about to cave and grab something sweet, grab a nice glass of water first.  Drink a whole cup and wait a bit.  Cravings generally pass within 15-30 minutes.
  2. Grab A Piece Of Fruit: Fruit has truly natural sugars in it and a nice ripe banana or mango or a handful of grapes can really do the trick when you’re feeling weak and about to throw in the towel.
  3. Go For A Walk: Sometimes we crave sugar when we’re idle, do you crave sugar when you’re sitting watching TV, or when you’re bored?  Get up and go take a walk instead.  Exercise can really improve your thinking and boost your mood and help you feel stronger.  Don’t we all need to feel strong when we’re giving up sugar?
  4. Get Busy: This doesn’t mean you have to go exercise but just getting up off the couch could help a lot. Clean the kitchen, fold the laundry, read to your kids, just the act of becoming busy will help get your mind off sugar.
  5. Chew Gum: Sometimes you just want something sweet in your mouth but you’re not necessarily hungry.  I am allowing myself gum sweetened with xylitol or stevia during this year.  Most gum is sweetened with fake sugar like aspartame which is really really bad for you. I found a good one at my natural health food store.  I always pop a piece when I want something sweet in my mouth.

How do you overcome your sugar cravings?  Please share in the comments.  And if you know someone who struggles with sugar send them over to our Facebook Support Group to join us for a year of no sugar!

Have a wonderful, healthy day,
