10 Affirmations To Transform Your New Year

10 Affirmations To Transform Your New Year | https://www.hannahhepworth.com #positivethinking #affirmations

Positive thinking is a key component in any holistic healthcare plan.  You can be eating an immaculate diet, sleeping, exercising, but if your head is full of garbage and negativity it will hold you back and you won’t be your best.  One way you can help change your thoughts to become more positive is to say a few positive affirmations in the morning to start your day off on the right foot.

What are positive affirmations?

They are just positive statements or phrases that you can say out loud, or read, or journal, that help a person feel better and think better. It may sound a little hokey but if you are constantly thinking, “I am so angry, I am so angry, I just can’t get over this.”  How do you think you’re going to feel?

On the other hand if you change that self talk and say, “I am calm, I am in control of my emotions, I forgive…” how do you think that might differ?

When you’re in an afternoon slump of energy and you just don’t want to start making dinner and you think, “I have no energy, my legs and arms feel limp, I am so tired…” try saying, “I have all the energy I need to get everything done.”

There are many self help books out there that talk about the power of positive self talk and saying daily positive affirmations, the mind is a powerful tool. It just might change your whole outlook and bring some really great things into your life:)

I’d like to share 10 affirmations that you can begin saying today to get the new year started off on the right foot. Pick a few and start saying them each morning.  Write them down and keep them in a place where you’ll see them.

10 Affirmations To Transform Your New Year

  1. Today is the perfect day to be happy.

  2. I am enough.

  3. I choose to be patient with others and with myself.

  4. I am willing to forgive myself and others.

  5. I have all the energy I need for today.

  6. I am healthy, confident & smart.

  7. I am going to have an extraordinary day today.

  8. I appreciate all that I have.

  9. I am thankful for my life experiences.

  10. Today I choose joy.

This is just a small list to get your mind thinking.  What else would you like to see in your life?  What do you feel you are lacking? Create a positive statement around that and speak it, write it, and think it.

Words are powerful, use them to create more good in your life.

Have a great day!


2 thoughts on “10 Affirmations To Transform Your New Year”

  1. Pingback: 5 Benefits Of Rising Early

  2. Pingback: What Healthy Eating ISN'T Enough - How to Be Healthy

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