Simple Money Management Tips (That Actually Work!)

Simple Money Management Tips (That Actually Work!) | #money #debt #moneymanagement #stress

You might be wondering why I’m talking about money today.  You might be thinking this is a health and wellness blog not a finance blog…why is she talking about this?  Well, because money can cause stress in our lives if we don’t manage it, and I love to talk about stress and how to manage it better!

Money, we hate it, we love it.  It’s a stress and it’s a joy.  How often do we mis-manage our money?  Do you ever look at your bank account and feel a sinking feeling in your stomach?  Ummm hmmmm.  I think we’ve all been there.

Today I’d like to offer you some simple and effective tips on how to manage your money wisely.  Let’s get going.

Set A Budget & Don’t Spend Above It: This tip is so simple yet so many people just don’t do it.  Decide how much money you need to spend on groceries in a month, then stick to that amount and don’t go over it.  How about gas?  1 tank a week?  2 tanks?  1 a month?  Figure out what you need and then provide a little bit of wiggle room and then….stick to it!

Needs Vs. Wants: Personally I just think it’s easier to stay out of stores when I don’t have any extra money to spend but sometimes you have to go into a store and something strikes your eye.  You think I’ve GOT to have that!  But, is it necessary?  Do you really NEED it?  Or is it just something that would be nice to have?  This can be a handy little question to ask yourself when a spending urge strikes.

Pay Yourself: It’s so important to allow yourself to spend a bit of money each month guilt free.  Decide on a reasonable amount and let yourself have a good time.  It all depends on how much you make but maybe it’s just 25$ in a month, or maybe it’s far more. Either way it can give you that feeling of freedom which can be so good for your soul.

Set Aside For Savings: Always take a certain percentage out of your paycheck to put into savings.  10% is a great place to start. Put it in a special account and leave it alone.  You never know when it will come in handy. Things happen unexpectedly and you need to be ready to fix the car out of the blue or pay for a doctor appointment.  Then when those surprises do crop up you won’t be so surprised.

What are your best money management tips?  Comment below!