Be Your Own Health Advocate!

Be Your Own Health Advocate |

Did you know that no one cares more about your health than you do? This post is a bit of a rant and a bit personal but I hope you can find some comfort in it.

I recently visited the doctor to hopefully get some questions answered.  I saw a midwife and was hoping she was a bit naturally minded like me, boy was I wrong!

I would say I am a healthy person.  I try and go to bed before 11 most nights, I don’t eat sugar, I eat a lot of whole foods and probiotic foods.  Yet, still, I’ve felt tired, anxious, stressed, like I never have enough sleep and that my blood sugar is completely out of whack.

I figured my adrenal glands, were completely taxed because I just felt drained.  I can’t even workout to reduce stress because I just get sick after.  I will jog 1 mile and then catch a cold like it’s just too much for my body to handle. I struggle a lot to have enough energy to get it all done.  I purposefully asked the receptionist if any of the doctors in the office dealt with adrenal fatigue and she pointed me towards this midwife that I went to see.

When I went in for my appointment I gave her my list of symptoms.  She told me, “you are young and thin, you don’t have anything wrong with you…” I asked her about adrenal fatigue and she said, “If you’re adrenals weren’t functioning correctly you would walk in here looking like death and we would know something was really wrong.  Adrenal fatigue is just a made up issue so people can make money…”

Wow, I thought, so this is the lady that deals with adrenal fatigue huh?  She has an interesting way of dealing with it.

As I covered all my symptoms she then started pushing anti-anxiety medication.  I am no dummy, I know I struggle with anxiety, but is it because I have a deficiency in Lexapro?  NO!  She didn’t once suggest dietary modifications or taking a specific supplement to increase my levels of seratonin.

She offered to take my blood and run a full panel to see if it was something with my thyroid and to make sure my blood sugar was okay, which she also stated if my blood sugar was off “we would know it.”  She continued to her rebuttal of, “You’re young and thin, there’s nothing wrong with you…” Really?  You can gather that from 10 minutes in an office?

I don’t think that healthy has a “look.”  I don’t care how big or small, young or old you are, anyone can have health issues.

She ended the visit by saying with a smile, “I’ll run a blood test but sometimes just knowing that something ISN’T wrong, will help you feel a lot better.”

I rolled my eyes, wow, this visit was so not what I was expecting.  I felt no support, no suggestions other than one last attempt at the end to get me on anti-anxiety meds AGAIN.

I let her suck a bunch of blood out of me and I was on my way.  It’s not that I WANTED to be sick or have a horrible diagnosis, but when you don’t feel as good as you know you should be feeling, you would like some answers, that’s for darn sure. At least so I know what course of action to take.

I got a call a few days later from a nurse saying “my blood was perfect and that the midwife strongly recommends I come in to meet with her about medication.”  Wow, really?  Enough already! I know that I struggle with anxiety but I feel it’s an imbalance I can fix, and that’s not going to happen with drugs.

Sure I believe drugs are a godsend for many who find life unbearable to live and need that help, I totally get it.  I tried them out for 2 months and hated how I felt.  I’ve vowed to figure it out, naturally, how to balance the body, and restore my body from anxiety.  I know I’m not the only one out there who struggles with this.

For my blood sugar complaints…I’m adding more protein at specific times of the day.

As for my energy, I’m even more careful about getting to bed on time, and fueling my body with protein, and getting some light exercise each day.

For my anxiety, I am really optimistic that tweaking my diet and adding some supplements will really help support my body and increase my energy and positive mood.

I’m diving deep into many books, I went a little crazy on Amazon the other week;)

I’m already adding some great things to my diet and can’t wait to share it all with you!

Have you ever had an experience like this with a healthcare provider?  Do you agree that sometimes we just have to take charge of our own health because if we don’t no one else will and we’ll be stuck with some pills in our face?

Are you also struggling with out of control stress and anxiety?  I can empathize, I am on your side. Believe that answers are coming!
