Adaptogenic Herbs: What are they and how do they help with anxiety?


Adaptogenic herbs are herbal pharmaceuticals that have properties that help counteract the harmful effects of stress.

They have been used in Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine for centuries!

In World War II they were studied in depth and used to help pilots work better, have more focus and the ability to fly planes better at night.

How They Work

Adaptogenic herbs are kind of like a thermostat in a house regulating the temperature (as I write this our heat is cranking and it’s ZERO degrees in Idaho!), adaptogenic herbs can calm your body when you need to relax and boost your energy when you’re in a slump, hence the
“adapt” in adaptogenic.

Pretty amazing huh?  Especially since these different herbs are generally safe and usable for long term needs…which you can hardly say about pharmaceuticals…

Adaptogenic herbs help restore communication between the body and the brain and reduce stress in your body and mind.

A Perfect First Line Of Defense

They increase your ability to deal with anxiety, which is wonderful because it gives you a little relief while you start tackling other areas of your health like nutrition, exercise, sleep, relationships, and more, because we know that anxiety can be a result of and be triggered from many things combined.

It can take work to revamp your lifestyle and reduce the total burden of stress on your body, so I definitely encourage taking some supplements that will help you relax a bit and feel more energized so you can wrap your head around improving other areas of your life.

I know how it feels to be completely wiped out, tired, exhausted with little ones running around needing you every 10 minutes!

You might feel like you can barely get your kids fed during the day, housework feels like an insurmountable task and the thought of doing 1 more thing is just too much to bare.

No worries, start by ADDING in more good.  Add supplements, add a green smoothie, add a little catnap, add 20 more minutes of sleep, add a 15 minute walk in the sunshine, add an adaptogenic herb blend;)

With it’s ability to protect your brain, boost energy, reduce depressive feelings, increase attention, reduce stress and anxiety, these little God given gems are worth testing out.

Some adaptogenic herbs include:

Ginseng, Ashwaghanda, Rhodioloa, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Maca and Turmeric.  There are others but these are pretty common!

Find a nice blend at your health food store because in Ayurvedic medicine is all about the mixture, the sum is greater than its parts and herbs work together synergistically.

Let me know in the comments below:

Have you tried adaptogenic herbs before?

What was your experience?

What is one thing you’d like to know about kicking anxiety to the curb naturally?

…I’ll read all your comments!

Your Sister In Healing,

xo Hannah

P.S. If you want to learn everything I personally did to heal my body from chronic stress, overwhelm, panic and anxiety click on the link below to learn more about the ZEN SISTERHOOD.  The FIRST worldwide rapidly growing tribe of amazing moms that are taking back control of their mental and emotional well-being, one healthy habit at a time.
