Nerve Tonic Remedy For Anxiety And Stress

Nerve Tonic Remedy For Anxiety and Stress |

I’ve always been a believer of homeopathy.  When I was 18 years old I went to an Osteopathic Dr. to get help with my lifelong eczema.  This wasn’t just a little patch of itchy skin, it was ALL OVER my legs and arms my entire childhood. We had already tried every conventional type of treatment and it was time to get radical!

After yo yo-ing back and forth between 2 remedies to try for my eczema the Doctor went ahead and gave me one, with the instructions that if things didn’t make big improvements within the week to come back for the other remedy.

Nothing changed and I headed back to the Doctor, this time to receive the remedy, Phosphorus.  It worked like a charm.  Within days the eczema was considerably better and it seemed like no time before the eczema was COMPLETELY GONE!!!!!  It seemed too good to be true, and I’m being honest when I say that it’s still gone to this day!

When I struggled with severe anxiety I thought about trying different homeopathic remedies but it always seemed so complicated because there’s more than one remedy for anxiety, it’s all dependent on the person. Then I went to the local health food store and was perusing the homeopathic remedy section and came across Hyland’s brand Nerve Tonic.  This is a special remedy blend to help with stress and frazzled nerves. It was the holiday season and I was feeling particularly stressed with many things on my mind.  The tight feeling in my chest started creeping in and my nerves started to feel a little frazzled.

I decided what the heck!  It’s worth a try.  I love that homeopathy is gentle and safe, not to mention very effective.  I took it as directed on the container and within a couple days my uneasiness started to vanish, and the tight feeling in my chest melted away.  I was finally able to relax and enjoy the holiday season.

What a blessing!!!

I now keep it on hand in my natural remedy kit.  Whenever I’m feeling a little extra stressed, or frazzled, especially if an event is coming up I start taking it and I begin to feel calm very quickly.

If you run a little on the high stress side I would definitely check out this remedy blend.

Homeopathy can seem a bit overwhelming at first because there are SO many remedies but starting out by trying the different blends for specific ailments is the perfect way to get your feet wet.

The remedy blends for colic work great as well.

Have you used homeopathy before?  Share your experience in the comments section below.

Hyland’s Website:

*Phosphorus worked for my eczema but that doesn’t mean that it works for all cases of eczema.  I recommend seeing a trained homepath to figure out what remedy is best for you!

Homeopathy Websites:




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  1. Pingback: 5 Tips To Beat Holiday STRESS - Anxiety Relief For Women| Essential Oils| Natural Solutions

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