How To Get Kids To Drink Green Smoothies | And A Sneak Peak At My New Book!

De-Stress With Green Smoothies | #greensmoothies #ebook #wholefoods #recipes #wholesimplelife #greensmoothiegirl

I have a brand new project that will be available this week for purchase! In “De-Stress With Green Smoothies” you will not only get over 30 delicious recipes but also 15 pages packed with tons of information on superfood ingredients to add, health benefits of green smoothies, tips to make this new habit easier for you, sweetening your green smoothie naturally and so much more.

I’m really excited because this book symbolizes my first step into eating whole foods and is the single easiest step anyone can take to improve their health, cut out processed foods and get started eating whole foods.

Green smoothies are so wonderful, easy, portable, yummy, nourishing, filling and the list goes on.  Today I wanted to share an excerpt from my book where I give some tips on how to get kids to drink green smoothies.  

Page 11 of “De-Stress With Green Smoothies.”

“I’ll admit this was one of the ways I justified spending $400 on a blender! My children have always been picky eaters and continue to give me trouble at dinner time! They drank green smoothies for my Mom at her house and I was excited about the prospect of getting some fruits and veggies into their growing bodies. Adding green smoothies to our diet has definitely helped.

My main piece of advice for getting children to drink green smoothies is to start with spinach, which is the most mild green, and maybe a couple of baby carrots which are also very mild, and what’s even better is they don’t change the color of a smoothie. Only use a tiny amount of greens at first and work your way up.

Remember – even a few leaves of spinach are better than none!

It also doesn’t hurt to bring them to the store to go shopping for their very own smoothie cup. I’ve tried a few different kinds that have snap or screw on lids that are very inexpensive, but have found that cups with lids and a removable straw are best.   If you use disposable straws, then you don’t have to worry about cleaning them.

Another great thing you can do is make your children part of the process. Bring them to the store and have them pick out what fruits (fresh or frozen) they would like to incorporate into their smoothie.”

I came across a quote the other day on Facebook that I feel is very fitting for this topic of getting kids to eat healthier.

“Today, by the time the average child in a developed country turns 8 years old, they’ve had more sugar in their lives than the average person did in their entire lifetime, just 1 century ago.”

That is just CRAZY!  We need to be teaching our children how to eat.  Green smoothies…are a great place to start, drink up and enjoy my 30+ recipes!

Have a wonderful, healthy day!
