Becoming A Minimalist Mom: Week 1

 Becoming a Minimalist Mom

Becoming A Minimalist Mom: Week 1

I’m a total bookworm.  I LOVE unwinding in the evening to a good book.  Generally it’s not fiction, I like reading books where I learn about something, generally health related in some way, shape or form.

For years I’ve been infatuated with the whole “simple living” movement.

Every so often I get on a kick and get super organized and it lasts about a week.  And it’s SUCH a good week:)

I read a book about purging your clutter and then I always end up bringing more “stuff” into the house to fill up those spaces… it’s a vicious cycle.

I’ve been a mom for almost 11 years now and as I look back at this last decade I realize that I’ve spend a LOT of time… TOO much time, complaining, being grouchy, feeling like a martyr about housework, and yelling at the kids to clean up their stuff!

What a waste of time!

I’ve determined I’ve had enough of this madness.  I’m spending more time picking up the house than I do talking to my kids…their childhood is speeding by and I’m barely there.  I mean I’m there in body, but my attention isn’t there.  It really hit me, and made me feel sad.

I realized the ONLY way to fix this problem is not to organize the clutter and stuff in our home, but to REDUCE the amount of stuff we have.  That’s when it really gets easier to manage your home.  There’s simply LESS to take care of.

Whenever I have a problem that I want to solve I always hit the library.

I grabbed a bunch of books on minimalism.

First up “Clutter Free With Kids,” by Joshua Becker.

I devoured it.  I couldn’t put it down and it really solidified by belief that to make my life easier, a lot of stuff had to go.

Becoming A Minimalist Mom: Week 1

It’s been 1 week, well, maybe less, I’ve purged 3 trash bags full of unneeded items to the garbage and to the thrift store.

I started in the kitchen because I spend a lot of time there, and there’s not really anything sentimental in there.

I got rid of duplicates first.

So, multiple sets of measuring cups, spoons, extra mugs, mismatched items.  I had way too many mixing bowls and got rid of a glass set that is breakable and kept the metal set that’s easier to have with kids around.  I cleaned out my cupboards of weird ingredients I never use and empty spice containers.  I got rid of a sandwich maker/press thingy that I haven’t used in 2 years and extra/mismatched tupperware containers.

Wow, can I tell you how liberating that is?

If you are ever stressed then just start getting rid of junk, it is so therapeutic, it’s better than a therapist!

You just feel so much less burdened.

Is there really any need to have 50 spoons?  We’re a family of 6…so I’m pretty sure all those extra spoons that make it hard to shut the drawer are unnecessary.

And so begins my journey towards a minimalist motherhood.

Are you interested in becoming a minimalist?

I’m going to keep documenting this journey because I know that reducing the amount of stuff we have in our homes is going to liberate mothers from the drudgery of housework.

Of course there will always be housework, but…there’s doesn’t have to be quite so much!

I’m convinced that minimalism is a gift to mothers all over the globe and is an important thing for us to strive for.

I’ll be talking a lot more about this.

Comment below if you’re fed up with clutter in your home and if you feel like all you do is pick up after the kids!




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  1. Pingback: Becoming A Minimalist Mom: Week 2

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