4 Ways Exercise Reduces Stress And Anxiety

4 Ways Exercise Reduces Stress And Anxiety from https://www.hannahhepworth.com

I’m hardly an exercise expert!  I have been inconsistent at best over the last 9 years since becoming a mom. It’s really a shame though because these are the years that I’ve needed the stress busting benefits of exercise the most!  

In this post I’d like to discuss 4 ways exercise reduces stress and anxiety.

During the last 9 years as I’ve tried to get on an exercise routine and worked out here and there I’ve realized that when I have worked out I’ve experienced many benefits, even after working out just one time!

The cool thing is, the positive effects of exercise are accumulative over time, which means the more you do it, the better you will feel.  So even if you don’t feel a huge shift after your first workout, don’t loose heart, keep it up and you will feel better and better.

Over the years I’ve tried Zumba, jogging, kick boxing, yoga, Jillian Michaels videos, and biking.  They’ve all been great and I think it’s so important to really experiment and find a workout that works best for you. For me it’s the stationary bike, I LOVE it and I’m lucky enough to have one right upstairs in my mother in laws house:)

Dr. Kelly Brogan, who is a holistic psychiatrist, says that 3, 20 minute interval training workouts each week are enough to greatly reduce anxiety and depression in women.  When I talk about interval training I mean short burst workouts, like sprint for 30 seconds, jog for 90 or pedal the bike super fast for 30 and slowly for 90.  Short bursts followed by a slower pace, repeated for just 20 minutes!

Anyone can fit a 20 minute workout into their week.  And think 3, 20 minute workouts, is just 1 hour of your week!  That’s totally doable!

Ok now for the amazing benefits of exercise for stress and anxiety relief.

Better Mood: 

One of the most profound positive effects of exercise is that it makes you happier.  Your body creates mood boosting chemicals called endorphins which literally improve your mood.  If you’re prone to a sour mood, get exercising and with as little as 20 minutes 3 times a week you will start to notice some positive benefits.  When I exercise I come away feeling more calm and patient with my family and more happy overall.  It’s worth every minute!

Improved Sleep:

I’ve struggled with getting good sleep over the years like any other mom.  Whether it’s a baby in the home or an excess of stress that causes me to wake up in the night and not be able to fall back asleep.  By burning off stress and using up any unused energy you are better able to wind down in the evenings and get a good solid sleep.  This last Saturday I worked out for just 25 minutes and I had plenty of energy for the entire day, we hiked around looking for a Christmas tree and did all sorts of housework, but by the end of the day I was ready for bed at 9:30 and I slept until 7:00 a.m.!  It was wonderful.  Lack of sleep is one of the biggest causes of stress.  Get exercising so you can get more sleep.

Release Stress Hormones:

Just about everyone who is living with an abundance of stress and anxiety is also living with an abundance of cortisol in their body which is a stress hormone.  Exercise is one of the best ways to burn off excess cortisol.  When you have too much cortisol in your body you are jumpy, anxious, more prone to panic attacks and tend to wake up in the early morning hours.  Using up the excess stress hormones by exercising is so helpful to your mood!

Increase Energy Levels:

I don’t believe in the “no pain no gain,” mentality.  Especially if you have felt depleted and stressed for months or even years, it’s actually unhealthy to push yourself too hard with exercise and it can actually cause more stress on your body.  Be wise, and go by how you feel the next 24 hours after a workout.  I used to get sick really easily anytime after I would go for a jog.  If you feel worse for a few days after a workout, then it needs to be modified.  You should feel more energized after you exercise, not like you’re about to collapse.  Enjoy the surge of energy after a workout and the extra skip in your step.  Utilize that extra energy to accomplish a few more things around the house and to give more attention to your family.

Tips For New Folks

As you begin an exercise routine make sure that you start off slow.  Work out every other day to give your body at least a day to recover.  Also make sure you’re drinking extra water, that’s at least 8 cups at the bare minimum!  And one more tip, if you do find yourself extra sleepy at the end of the day, listen to your body and hit the hay 30-60 minutes early so you can feel refreshed and rested the next day.


Would you like some more tips to help you reduce stress and manage your anxiety?  I’ve got you covered!  Grab this free guide I create especially with YOU in mind!  You’ll receive 25 MORE simple tips you can implement to feel better TODAY!


What are your favorite types of exercise?  I’d love to hear in the comments below!


1 thought on “4 Ways Exercise Reduces Stress And Anxiety”

  1. Betty

    I lift light weights and walk. I also do a few other things my physical therapist taught me, like squats.

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