10 Practical Uses For Epsom Salt

10 Practical Uses For Epsom Salt | https://www.hannahhepworth.com #epsomsalt #holistichealth #naturalwellness

Epsom Salt is an amazing mineral compound made up of magnesium and sulfate.  Magnesium is an essential mineral scientists estimate that about 2/3 of our population is deficient in.  This is just one of the reasons why I started to use Epsom Salt in our home. As I dug a little deeper I realized that Epsom Salt has many more uses than for just soaking in the bathtub.

I originally bought epsom salt to add to my children’s bathwater because I learned that it can help relax them and help them sleep better.  I figured it was worth a shot!  Epsom Salt has many many uses and I’m only touching on some today.  I picked the things I thought would be most useful in every home.  If you have any other ways that you use epsom salt comment below and let us know.

Here is a list of 10 practical uses for Epsom Salt so you can start using it in your home today!

1. Relaxing Bath– I’ll get the obvious out of the way first.  Add 2 c. of Epsom salt to a bath and soak, which is also great for kids to help them relax before bed. Add lavender essential oil which is great for natural stress relief.

2. Sprains and Bruises– Add a handful of salt to a small container of hot water for feet and hands or 2 c. to a bath full of hot water and soak.  My husband tried this when is stubbed his big toe.  It was purple and green one day and within 48 hours the bruising was completely gone.

3. Facial Cleanser– Mix 1/2 t. salt into your regular cleansing product and wash as usual.

4. Mosquito Bites– Add 2 T. salt to 1 cup of water and soak a clean cloth. Then press cloth on bite for a few minutes to soothe irritation.

5. Exfoliate– Mix equal parts Epsom salt and olive, coconut or almond oil in your hands and use to exfoliate face or any other area of the body with dry skin.

6. Eliminate Toxins– Soaking in an Epsom salt bath (2 c. added to warm bathwater) will not only relieve muscle tension but also help eliminate toxins from your body. The sulfates in Epsom salt help to flush toxins and heavy metals from your cells.

7. Cleaner– Add Epsom salt to homemade cleaners to increase scrubbing power.

8. Athlete’s Foot/Toenail Fungus- Soak foot in warm water with a handful of Epsom salt add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil for powerful anti-fungal properties.

9. Sunburn– Make a cold compress using a clean wash cloth, 1 c. cold water and 2 T. salt and gently lay on sunburn to relieve irritation. Add it to this soothing sunburn spray to calm irritated skin.

10. Wavy Hair Spray– Mix 1 c. water, 2 t. salt and 1 t. conditioner in a spray bottle and spray on wet or dry hair and scrunch with your hands.  Let air dry or use a diffuser to dry.


Do you use epsom salt for any ailments or anything around the house?  I’d love to hear your ideas, make sure to comment below!




2 thoughts on “10 Practical Uses For Epsom Salt”

  1. Monica Morrison

    A pinch of epson salts in the hole as you plant tomatos will give you a healthier plant.

    1. Great tip! Thank you for sharing. I will have to try it next year:)

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