Are Essential Oils A New Fad? A Brief Look At The History Of Essential Oils

Are Essential Oils A Fad? A Brief Look At The History Of Essential Oils | #essentialoils #naturalmedicine

With all of the recent interest in essential oils these days, you would think they are some new natural health craze that has just burst onto the scene.

In reality, essential oils are almost as old as time itself.  

Time and time again we have seen evidence that documents the use of essential oils in history.  

  • Researchers have discovered Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts showing that priests and physicians have used essential oils for thousands of years.
  • The Chinese were some of the first to discover and use the medicinal properties of plants. They used aromatic herbs in conjunction with massage well before the birth of Christ.
  • In Egypt essential oils were used in the embalming practice and were found in King Tut’s tomb.  Clay tablets have been found which tell us that cedarwood and cypress were imported into Egypt and essential oils were traded between nations.
  • Some Egyptian temples were dedicated with the specific role of producing and blending oils.  Recipes recorded in hieroglyphics have been discovered on the walls of these temples.
  • Ayurvedic medicine was developed by the people of India and uses massage techniques and pressure points along with essential oils to enhance health.  They believed that the secret to long life was related to the use of aromatic plants as food and as medicine.
  • Hippocrates was a Greek physician known as “the father of medicine” and he also recommended the daily use of aromatic baths and massage that incorporated essential oils.
  • The aristocrats of ancient Babylon believed that at palace banquets the aroma in the room was as important an element as the food.  Guests had their own incense burner at their place setting!
  • In the bible you will find some 188 references to essential oils.  Frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, hyssop and spikenard were used for anointing and healing the sick.  The 3 Wise Men brought Frankincense and Myrrh to Christ upon his birth.  There are many other references to healing and anointing with oils throughout the bible.

Essential oils are amazing.  They have been around for thousands and thousands of years.  Thankfully our society is becoming more and more receptive of them and with the age of technology we are able to spread information and stories of healing faster and more effectively. Society is also looking for alternative treatment to their health problems and finding great success in essential oils.

Today we have boundless information about essential oils and how exactly to use them.  Right now I have 5 books sitting on my desk that teach about essential oils!

They are fascinating and wonderful.  They are pure and natural.

To receive the highest benefits from essential oils you must use pure therapeutic grade essential oils, which I will talk about in a post soon to come.  There is more than 1 good brand out there.  Click on the link below to learn more about one of my favorite brands and where to find them at wholesale!

Have a wonderful, healthy day! ~Hannah


Learn About Pure Essential Oils

1 thought on “Are Essential Oils A New Fad? A Brief Look At The History Of Essential Oils”

  1. Pingback: 10 Reasons To Use Essential Oils - |Non Toxic Living|Anxiety Relief|Stress Relief|Hannah Hepworth|Kefir|Anxiety|Probiotic Foods|Heal Anxiety

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