10 Benefits Of Spending Time In Nature

10 Health Benefits To Spending Time In Nature| http://www.wholesimplelife.com #nature #health

There are few things that bring me as much peace as when I am outside, in nature, breathing fresh air and taking in the beauty of the earth. There are actually proven benefits of spending time outside.  Did you know that time spent in nature is associated with a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate and sympathetic nerve activity?  Research also states that time in nature most powerfully nurtures us when we’re the most at risk of disease, depression, or desperation.

In 2008, University of Michigan researchers demonstrated that after just an hour of spending time in nature, memory performance and attention spans improved by 20 percent. Researchers at the University of Kansas reported a 50 percent boost in creativity for people who were in nature for a few days.

The Japanese have a special practice called Forest Bathing which is the simple practice of spending time in the forest for relaxation and recreation. It is considered a natural aromatherapy, where people are breathing in natural volatile substances called phytoncides (wood essential oils) which are antimicrobial volatile organic compounds derived from trees. It has now become a recognized relaxation and/or stress management activity in Japan.trees finished

Researchers at Tokyo’s Nippon Medical School have quantifiable evidence: In one study, women who spent two to four hours in the woods on two consecutive days experienced a nearly 50 percent increase in the activity of cancer-fighting white blood cells.

One thing that I found amazing was that a study done by South Korea’s Chonnam National University showed that when subjects were shown images of mountains, forests, and other landscapes they experienced a heightened positive outlook and emotional stability.  They didn’t have to be in nature, just looking at images provided benefits. For me, sometimes it’s just getting in the car and taking a drive that’s enough to clear my mind and relax a bit.

Spending time in nature can have a similar effect as meditating. Findings show that people received the same benefits from taking a walk when it was 80 degrees and sunny in summer as when the temperatures dropped to 25 degrees in winter. The only difference was that participants enjoyed the walks more in the warmer weather than in the winter.

Lastly another study I found showed that there is a difference between spending time outside walking in a city versus walking around greenery.  At the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, subjects who walked in the botanical gardens on campus exhibited a 20 percent increase in memory while the subjects who walked around the city showed no improvement in memory.

This is definitely motivating to me because I live in a part of the country with long winters. The need for me to get outside daily is imperative and it doesn’t even matter if it’s cold or not or if I enjoy it or not, it will still provide benefits! Think spending time outside isn’t that important? I think we could all use more time outside. What do you do to get outside?  I’d love to hear in the comments below.


10 benefits of nature

 Resources and Additional Reading:

Outside Online, Mark’s Daily Apple, Oprah Online, University of Michigan